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Where to start piercing

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Joined: Wed Nov 28, 2012 11:01 am

Where to start piercing

Unread post by scottpierced »

:) :) Was wondering if someone could give us a few pointers on where to start piercing my sub wife's pussy and nipples so they are like Heidi's, we are both great fans of hers. We are planning on the following:
6-7 pairs of outer labia
3 pairs of inner labia
1 or 2 vertical hood
1 christina
horizontal and vertical nipples
we'll be wanted to stretch them to similar sizes.
In what order should we do them? what is the largest size that the initial piercings can be started at for each type of piercing? How many should we do at once and how long should we leave it until we do some more? And how far apart should we leave between the outer labia piercings?:) :)
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Re: Where to start piercing

Unread post by LilLurker »

You really need to visit a piercer that comes with a good reputation - at the end of the day it's going to be down to their professional discretion how quickly you progress with the project and how they feel your wife's anatomy is suited.

They're really the only ones who can give you a qualified opinion once they've had a good look around. It's also going to depend on how well and how quickly your wife heals.
I welcome positive and negative comments on my posts because I think it's nice to have open debate. Feel free to say what you want - open discussion is great and there's enough room here for everyone's opinions!
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Re: Where to start piercing

Unread post by jonnyboyo99 »

For once I totly agree with Lurker. Good call sir !!
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Re: Where to start piercing

Unread post by Queso »

Be prepared for a long term project on this one, what you've described is probably going to come into heavy conflict with reality along the way.

For starters, fitting that many pairs in the outers isnt going to be easy to begin with, and to gauge them up to 2g+ will take forever. There simply isnt enough room in the anatomy to fit 7x2g rings (much less larger ones) without running some serious risks, mostly migration and holes actually running into each other.

Actually arriving at Heydi-sized rings, which are 0g to 00g, is something that sounds a lot more feasable in fantasy than it is in reality. This number of rings, at this size, dont really stay where you want them. They catch on each other, snag and bind up. None of this is pleasant for the girl in any manner, and its 24/7. Super-extreme Heydi stuff is fun to look at and wildly impractical for real life. To even get the space, you'll likely have to work up to that size very slowly, and not because it takes time for the holes to accomodate the rings - you'll have to wait for the tissue to enlarge just to fit in the negative space occupied by a ring.

Dunno if you've ever noticed, but a pierced nipple tends to swell up a bit and stay that way. Outer labial tissue is the same way, the labia themselves will get slightly larger in the region of the pierce. To achieve the amount of real estate necessary to make a home for 7x2g rings (or greater), you're going to need that. The holes will be long healed and able to accomodate a larger gauge before that happens, but if you rush the stretch on those without waiting for the surrounding tissue to catch up, you're going to wind up with a bumpy, ridged appearance.

Youre a little bit more fortunate on the inners with this one. My original thinking with inner labia piercings was that they'd be very prone to closure without jewelry in them due to the tissue. In reality, my wife and I have found that we can easily leave hers empty for well over a month and they'll still easily refit the rings. They are usually fitted with 6-8g rings when she actually has jewelry in, for frame of reference, though a day's wear will allow us to go up to 0g easily after a month hiatus. The point here is, once they're well-healed, you can leave the inners empty unless its playtime and then do whatever. They'll cooperate.

The rest, fit it in if you can I guess, but what you've listed is a lot of jewelry. You're going to have major issues with binding and pinching. Everyday life with the rings isn't nearly as picturesque as the pr0n makes it out to be. In real life, people have to do things like walking. My advice to this would be twofold: 1) do what Lurker says. consult an experienced pro. Ask the piercer about their genital piercing experience beforehand so that you know they're qualified. 2) Take it slow. You probaly won't be able to realize this entire list. Do what you can comfortably do, have fun with it, and expand on your grand design as time allows.
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Joined: Tue Jun 26, 2012 9:47 pm

Re: Where to start piercing

Unread post by deviance »

put up some pics of her here and show us the progress on the piercing, make it interesting
Posts: 205
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Re: Where to start piercing

Unread post by bois60 »

This is a wonderful program.
Do not forget to show us the results. :roll:
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