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Ruination of Lesya Toumaniantz - Heavy Face Tattoo

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Ruination of Lesya Toumaniantz - Heavy Face Tattoo

Unread post by LilLurker »

New article http://news.bme.com/2013/02/22/lesya-to ... o-gallery/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Original article http://news.bme.com/2013/01/30/lesya-and-rouslan/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

His Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/toumaniantz.rouslan" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Her Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/lesya.tequila" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Gorgeous before picture https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/ ... 1012_n.jpg" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
I welcome positive and negative comments on my posts because I think it's nice to have open debate. Feel free to say what you want - open discussion is great and there's enough room here for everyone's opinions!
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Re: Ruination of Lesya Toumaniantz - Heavy Face Tattoo

Unread post by Rouslan »

The world is cracked with judgmental idiots.

1) It's her freedom to do what she wants, and mine to do what I want.

2) Whoever comes and judges our private life is a piece of shit.

3) There are many pieces of shit.

4) Still, as pieces of shit, they much rather insult from far away. The adress of my shop is public and I haven't seen any of the so many pieces of shit that criticize me from far away come and tell me anything face to face. Does it means that judgmental pieces of shit are also bollockless cunts?

5) You didn't knew her before. Now, you know her. That tattoo made her already world famous. I'm going to fully suit her. I think with the tattoo she's beautiful. I love to look at the tattoo when we are in bed together. I also have her name on my face.

6) Since 25 years, Q-switched lasers give us the possibility to remove tattoos. Today, any 1000 euro laser from China can perform that task without leaving any mark (as long as the operator isn't an idiot).

From the age of 18, you can decide for everything on your own. You can decide to smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, have kids, vote for idiots, do parachute or motocross... and no laser will erase the effects of a lung cancer, liver problems, unwanted children, corrupted politicians, no laser will help you if your parachute doesn't open or if your motocross jump ends up on some rock.

So... wouldn't it be time, today, to stop making drama of ANY tattoo and just open the eyes about the fact that procedure has ceased to be "forever" (do we really live forever in this life?) for quite a while already?

On a mainstream webiste, lillurker, your reaction would be just ordinarily stupid. On this website, dedicated to bodymod, dedicated to the freedom to express yourself with your body, your judgmental bullshit is not only extremely stupid but also highly uncalled.

If modified people now need to discriminate the "good mods" from the "bad mods", what can we say as a community to those who blame mods as a whole thing? So, are you an idiot AND an asshole, lilLurker? Certainly.
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Re: Ruination of Lesya Toumaniantz - Heavy Face Tattoo

Unread post by DoDescent »

rouslan, you rock!
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Re: Ruination of Lesya Toumaniantz - Heavy Face Tattoo

Unread post by pwardy911 »

very nice, love to see her suited too ! :)
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Re: Ruination of Lesya Toumaniantz - Heavy Face Tattoo

Unread post by insanegolfer »

Awesome rebuttal Rouslan!! I'll echo pwardy911, I would love to see her suited!!
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Re: Ruination of Lesya Toumaniantz - Heavy Face Tattoo

Unread post by omphalos »

LOL leave it to Rouslan to put LilLurker in his place. I've said it once and I'll say it again - I wish LilLurker would get banned. His negativity has no place in this forum. Rouslan, best of luck to you and your wife. I wish you great happiness in your future together.
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Re: Ruination of Lesya Toumaniantz - Heavy Face Tattoo

Unread post by v8roadster »

sorry but think, tattoos should be in good taste,

think best japanese practice this,best,

this is the worst tattoo i seen, also makes other people that have tattoos look bad.

think things should have good tastes, some moral code,
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Re: Ruination of Lesya Toumaniantz - Heavy Face Tattoo

Unread post by megabucket »

omphalos wrote:LOL leave it to Rouslan to put LilLurker in his place. I've said it once and I'll say it again - I wish LilLurker would get banned. His negativity has no place in this forum. Rouslan, best of luck to you and your wife. I wish you great happiness in your future together.
No offence man, but at least he posts stuff. Yo All I ever see you do is suggest that he should be banned. A bit of negativity is allowed if you also make constructive contributions, but looking at your posting history I can't really find many.
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Re: Ruination of Lesya Toumaniantz - Heavy Face Tattoo

Unread post by glider »

I think Lesya's face tattoo is interesting from several poitns of view.

First, until this moment most people had a very incremental approach with face tattoos, getting something near the ear, then beside the eye and slowly building on to it. Although there's nothing wrong with that this approach clearly has its limits designwise (unless the complete face tattoo is planned out beforehand which apparently nobody does), often resulting in quite a mess. The fact that Lesya had most of her face done in one bold decision has opened many more possibilities. Rouslan is definitely breaking new grounds with this kind of facial work and I'm sure we'll see more of it. This kind of work pushes facial tattooing forward :!:

I compare it to getting full sleeves many years ago when that was a big thing. Some people have built up there sleeves from many small pieces and some took the bold step to sleeve out an arm entirely opening possibilities to create flow / depth in the design and giving a much stronger look.

I do see an issue with this approach though: the psychological aspect. Being heavily tattooed I know that whenever you step up coverage or visibility substantially it takes some mental getting-used-to, being visibly tattooed has to become part of your personality. With such a drastic change of apearance as this one people who cannot pull it off at the start could become depressed.
I don't buy into the 'you can always laser it off' argument. Fresh tattoos are almost impossible to laser. And Lesya's face tattoo was obviously tattooed very deep :twisted: so that it would take extremely many laser sessions. It would take many years just to fade it...

That said I think that Lesya looks really great with her face tattoo and I hope she'll continue to add on to it with this kind of bold work. Rouslan, what are your next plans? Will you touch-up the current work (the deeper bits seem to have scabbed and lost some ink) or continue to extend her tattoo work? We'd like to see to see her neck and forehead done with similar bold work, they look too white now compared to her face :mrgreen:
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Re: Ruination of Lesya Toumaniantz - Heavy Face Tattoo

Unread post by LilLurker »

I'm glad to have started a good thread with plenty of debate and luckily for me I don't feel "put in my place" at all.

It's a shame that someone claiming to be Rouslan felt that the only way to deal with criticism was through paragrah after paragraph of abuse. If the only opinions that are allowed to be posted here are positive ones then it will become a very stale place indeed.

Obviously this is a "kink"/perv site rather than a bodymod community as such - there are a great mix of views in the comments on the BME site. I recommend reading through them :)

I have to say I'm terrified of the idea of "let's just tattoo it, it can always be lasered off". Any artist worth their salt wouldn't take that approach and as glider has said, lasers aren't 100% effective. They're costly and painful and depending on the skill of the artists, or lack thereof, there could still be significant scarring.

Here's a victim/customer who regretted their facial tattooing and is having trouble getting it off - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... rgery.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Edit: A few pages of tattoo removal before & afters
I welcome positive and negative comments on my posts because I think it's nice to have open debate. Feel free to say what you want - open discussion is great and there's enough room here for everyone's opinions!
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Re: Ruination of Lesya Toumaniantz - Heavy Face Tattoo

Unread post by wistasse »

Lilurker, while I don't always agree with this person, that is fine. Here is posted links that are relevant to the board. There is no harm here, thus no foul.

Ruslan, I think it is great, she is very very beautiful and I hope to see more pictures, maybe even video? Though honestly you can not expect there to be no reaction to what you do. It comes with blazing new territory. Thank you for posting.
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Re: Ruination of Lesya Toumaniantz - Heavy Face Tattoo

Unread post by Rouslan »

LilLurker, I tattoo, and I laser of tattoos as well. I know the process of both processes quite good, as opposed to you. I tattoo pretty close to surface of skin, my tattoos go away pretty easily. Kimberley's tattoo is gone. As long as only black is used, the process is rather simple and under control. Colors are more tricky to remove, for them you need a combination of lasers with different frequencies, or a higher quality laser. But black is the simplest thing to remove one can imagine.

Plus, I answered you quite precisely. Instead of answering me, you give vague and meaningless answer. It's normal, since you are a piece of shit unable to understand that in this field, you, as any person who's talking about it, is talking about OUR PRIVATE LIFE. People can do what they want with their freedom, and those who judge what other people are doing with their freedom are always, for mechanical reasons, idiots.
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Re: Ruination of Lesya Toumaniantz - Heavy Face Tattoo

Unread post by LilLurker »

Rouslan wrote: Instead of answering me, you give vague and meaningless answer. It's normal, since you are a piece of shit...
I have no interest in answering you - my posts on this thread haven't been directed at you at all. I have no interest in engaging in a flame war with you.
I welcome positive and negative comments on my posts because I think it's nice to have open debate. Feel free to say what you want - open discussion is great and there's enough room here for everyone's opinions!
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Re: Ruination of Lesya Toumaniantz - Heavy Face Tattoo

Unread post by dan90 »

Im only amazed about the time... there are face tattoos out there, and there are people who tattoo their lovers name on eachother. BUt this combination? Im curious how did this happen? You met in real life and on the same day she said, "I want your name on my face tattooed, ON MY FACE" ?
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Re: Ruination of Lesya Toumaniantz - Heavy Face Tattoo

Unread post by DoDescent »

according to the story that is about what happened yes.
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