Dear Pierced Forum Member,
We have great news – Pierced Forum Archive have been updated with 15 years of content from all of your posts and articles. Yes, 15 years’ worth of material in 1 place, easy to navigate. Gigabytes of videos and pictures have been moved and now you can see it all at once.
Please feel free to check out and subscribe.
And thank you very much for years of your support and patronage.
Best Regards,
Lars and Pierced Forum.
Pierced Forum Archive – 15 Year Anniversary Update - 01-23-2025
Pierced Forum Archive – 15 Year Anniversary Update - 01-23-2025
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Re: New updates to PFarchive November 25 9300 new pics and v
admin wrote:As you know, we archive old media files like pictures and videos and put them in one area where you can view them all together instead of clicking on every topic and search for related images. This is why we created" onclick=";return false; for you to enjoy. Please help us to keep this site free and help us to pay for overhead expenses. Those who contribute the most can get FREE membership by sending Private message to forum “ admin “.
Thanks again for helping us with contribution and memberships.
Best regards,
soo beautiful