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My piercing!

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 11:25 am
by nifty1a
Not sure if anyone is interested, but here's mine!


Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 1:04 am
by tarantula911
Excellent Job.

I need to find a new barbell. My piercing is stretched so it looks sloppy right now. I am trying to find a 0 guage with a 1 inch long shaft. Of course, Stainless barbells aren't made that long in the 0g so I am looking for other materials. Any ideas where to look?

I would like to find a barbell with a slightly curved shaft which will fit my piercing better than a straight shaft.

As soon as I find the next barbell, I will post to show how it looks. Right now, with it being sloppy instead of snug, it just doesn't look right.

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 4:08 pm
by titrings
From time to time, I've thought about getting one of these. Some questions, though: I've got double titrings and they don't require any special care. Does this? How does sex (sensation) change when you have one of these? Any special level of carefulness during sex? How do partners respond when they discover?

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 10:46 pm
by dryfsys
it looks very good, and i am really thinking of getting one... soon i hope

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 8:39 pm
by hottbootz
Thought id put up a pic of my ladder,anyone care to comment?? (updated Mar 11/07)

hottbootz's ladder

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 6:18 am
by matt_am_124
I am absolutely fascinated with your piercings. Not having any myself, I can only imagine as to the sensations you must feel when performing routine activities like urinating. I am very interested in how it feels having such piercings. I mean do you notice a difference when you're flacid and erect? Do you masturbate any differently? Are there certain activities you can't do? Oh, I know it sounds a little childish, but you did want comments. Thanks. Matt

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 11:30 am
by Prince Albert
You can buy a curved barbell up to 00#, I have one :) Have a look at or Cant remember exactly where I got it, had it for so long now.

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 1:56 am
by hottbootz
Thanks for the comments and query Matt. First off not to sound a bit negative here but you must want to have genital piercings, especially many, and be prepared to go through the process of getting the piercing/s, and the healing process etc for each hole you make.
Its not something you can think of short term since its best you leave the rings or bars in all the time to prevent any closures.
As with anything new, your body can adapt to the additions, and unless i actually study them, normally i cant feel the rings or bars when flaccid.
It wasnt always this way though, as during the earlier stages of healing, some the holes would sometimes be just annoying, either itching or weeping till they healed up completely in the skin tunnel where the rings pass through.
As for the fun factor they are a blast, and while masturbating techniques havent changed, the clinking sound of rings and the feeling of them swinging does stimulate to a degree.
Activites i cant do??? well nothing has popped up yet to stop my rings from being involved, so i guess that makes them a keeper.
The rings have a feel to them when you stand up and move around, which is very much missed if i take them out, for example during air travel, so id say i enjoy the weight of them acting against gravity and pulling on the skin when in.
If you have the patience to get a ladder or other rings/holes put into your genitals then by all means do so, just remember its something you have to totally commit to before you will enjoy the full benefits.
Granted we are talking about a ladder here and not glans piercings, those are in a totally other category or sensation and those photos i didnt put up,,,yet.
Just as a side note here, i did all my piercings myself, and while it can be done safely, you should exercise caution at all times when making permanent holes in your skin.