Hi guys I'm looking to do a self piercing reverse prince albert,but there is not a lot of information out there,there is tons on the normal pa,what I have pieced together is two options,
1 put the reciveing tube in the urethral and pierce from the top,the problem with that is a lot more meat to go though and don't know if I'm going to get hit the tube
2 put the needle in to the urethral and push up but then I don't know where it is going to come up
I would like your thoughts and suggestions of u have had one(u might have had it done professionally)and would like to know how it was done thanks guys xxx
Question about reverse prince??
Re: Question about reverse prince??
To be honest it's not really a DIY piercing. A normal PA you can get away with. There is to much at risk to DIY it.
Re: Question about reverse prince??
I had a reverse PA done by a professional.
He put the receiving tube in my urethra and pierced from the top
it was fitted with a curved 10# curved barbell
He put the receiving tube in my urethra and pierced from the top
it was fitted with a curved 10# curved barbell