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Just my two pence on kinkerbelle

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 2:34 pm
by Inkedfist
Just to let all followers of kinkerbelle know that i offered a great deal of money to kinkerbelle & pwardy911 for her ink to go further inside the so called pussyfly and when i requested for a few minutes of a video clip the welcomed idea was soon turned down. Makes you heads up to those who was thinking of funding any upcoming projects think you will just be paying for the ink in the marker pen!!!
Most artists given the chance would of done the rare work for free, con comes to mind!

Re: Just my two pence on kinkerbelle

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 4:13 pm
by neverflown
You fundamentally misunderstand what this board is about, why People come here l and where the line of acceptable behaviour is.

You are trolling and should be blocked.

Please leave whilst leaving is still within your control.

Re: Just my two pence on kinkerbelle

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 9:32 pm
by LilLurker
Waghhh :cry: I offered someone money to do something and they said no :cry: Waghhh

Re: Just my two pence on kinkerbelle

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 9:48 pm
by Kinkerbelle
What a load of nonsense :lol: forgive me inkedfist for having my own mind and wanting the decision on what goes on my body for life!!!!
This is nothing more than you just spitting the dummy out because you haven't been able to persuade me to get & see what you want! I have shared many personal pictures on this site which most probably wouldn't! Your stupid and pathetic comments have now gone to far and i wont tolerate you speaking about me/ pwardy911 in this way! If your inapropiate behaviour carries on then i to will say my two pence about you and screen shot some of the revolting/ sick requests you have put to me! I dont have to explain myself to you or anyone else why i chose not to go further as its my body!

Have a nice day now :)

Oh & if anybody else wants to stick there two pence in or even a pound go ahead im finding this quite comical :lol:


Re: Just my two pence on kinkerbelle

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 11:20 pm
by choffer
Kinkerbelle wrote:Oh & if anybody else wants to stick there two pence in or even a pound go ahead im finding this quite comical :lol:

Thanks for the kind offer Kinkerbelle but before I send my pound, can you just confirm I'll get exactly what I want for it?

:wink: :lol:

Re: Just my two pence on kinkerbelle

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 11:13 am
by pwardy911
I don't need the money !!. :-)
Plus it ain't all about the $$$$

Re: Just my two pence on kinkerbelle

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 11:35 am
by pwardy911
The only reason we ever did this project was because 20 yrs of surfing the net I've never really came across another like kinker bells. .isobel varley and slave butterfly's aren't half as solid coloured.. Oh and obviously kinker bell was made enuff to want to do it too ha ha :-)

Re: Just my two pence on kinkerbelle

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 12:07 pm
by Inkedfist
Not half as solid! Its fake nothing real about her pussyfly at all in my opinion! Thats why you wont video her getting more done!

Re: Just my two pence on kinkerbelle

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 12:57 pm
by LilLurker
InkedFist - I'd like you to upload some pics and videos of yourself, I'll give you £1. Are you going to do it?

Re: Just my two pence on kinkerbelle

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 3:15 am
by targed
Inked fist you are a troll and an idiot.

It's people like you who put people off of posting their pics on sites like this.

You do not own kinkerbelle. She is not a piece of meat put there solely for your pleasure.

It is her decision what she does with her own body, and hers alone.

Perhaps we should all have a whip around and pay pwardy to tattoo the word "troll" accross your forehead?

Re: Just my two pence on kinkerbelle

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 10:53 am
by Inkedfist
You people are mad believing she has a vagina inked like that!
Just my opinion and thinking of the poor folk who might of funded pwardy911's felt tip creations

Re: Just my two pence on kinkerbelle

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 11:46 am
by Kinkerbelle
This is getting ridiculous now! Inkedfist you need to stop telling lies and making out myself/pwardy911 have cheated you with money! This is not the case!
My pussyfly is very real and for those that follow iv shared more than enough pictures of my personal artwork!!!

Inkedfist funded £200 towards my pussyfly and agreed on pictures in return which to my word I sent & shared!

Now.. Inkedfist wanted me to get inked further inside my vagina and more work on my clit and after lots of consideration I said no as its something which doesn't interest me at present in the future it might be something I will look into..
My pussyfly tattoo consisted of hours & hours of hard work from pwardy911 & myself to sit that long in what I can confidently say is a most intimate & painful area! Do you people realise the position I had to get in..and factors like pwardys wife's feelings..I for one wouldn't allow my partner to do such an intimate line of work! So very lucky pwardy is in such a trusting marriage! Realise its not simply getting a tattoo this project is probably the most challenging tattoo pwardy has done! I haven't seen any other vaginas with a tattoo as striking as mine! And as for my black slit and clit? Think I win in that department!

I have shared my journey since day 1 and I'm now considering coming off this site for good as I have no time in sharing my tattoos for people like inkedfist to be negative and paint myself of pwardy911 black!

Inkedfist hasn't got his way with me and has simply chucked his toys out the pram!

Hope my true fans and followers of myself & pwardy911 take no notice

I have had more work done on my colour boob.. I will not be sharing on the forum but for those who would like to see inbox me and I will send a picture of the latest work :)


Re: Just my two pence on kinkerbelle

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 9:08 pm
by Queso
See what happens, Inkedfist? Stalker status gets everyone nowhere. This is why we can't have nice things. Please stop harassing the girl like she's your property, and maybe try to be a little less creepy on forums. Acting like a psycho just ends up with contributors pulling their shared stuff from the site. It's a give and take, you be a little less of a crazy stalker and they give us nice things. Circle of life.

Re: Just my two pence on kinkerbelle

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 5:44 am
by amo
Don't push anyone in any direction Kinkerbel is a free person with own mind with her body and her mindset and she can do what ever she likes to do and if it is not fast enough for you than try to persuade your wife/girlfriend to do it and i guess that will not be an easy task ;) .

It can't be said often enough THANKS KINKERBELLE for sharing your progress with us -> I love it :)

my four pence

Re: Just my two pence on kinkerbelle

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 7:01 am
by bodyartlover
How sad that such negativity is making the exquisite kinkerbelle reconsider sharing her wonderful body art with us all. I for one would have loved to have seen an update on her breast ink, but as usual, one seems to have spoiled it for many.
Keep making the world a brighter place kinkerbelle, and just ignore the lone voice?