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Mary Jo

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Mary Jo

Unread post by HBT1 »

From her tumblr maryjow and her fb.


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Re: Mary Jo

Unread post by LilLurker »

Gotta say, I find the red eyes heartbreaking especially as the rest of her is so beautiful.

I don't mind heavily tattooed/pierced faces at all but don't mess with the eyes - they're the window to the soul. I can't imagine that people will be able to easily/naturally interact with her as they did before she did that to her eyes.

And why red? It looks like she has a major eye infection... :(
I welcome positive and negative comments on my posts because I think it's nice to have open debate. Feel free to say what you want - open discussion is great and there's enough room here for everyone's opinions!
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Re: Mary Jo

Unread post by fleagle »

that is one seriously f**cked up person.

Each to their own 'n all that but not my cup of tea.
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Re: Mary Jo

Unread post by HBT1 »

O.k. That was it...

I won't post anything anymore ...

My motto was 'Don't feed the trolls', but since LilLurker's comments after the death of SexyCora, I had a hard time controlling my revulsion of him.
But he just does not stop his shit ...

Same applies to fleagle...
"that is one seriously f**cked up person"


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Re: Mary Jo

Unread post by LilLurker »

That's it.

I've had enough too, I'm creating a signature to add to my posts.
I welcome positive and negative comments on my posts because I think it's nice to have open debate. Feel free to say what you want - open discussion is great and there's enough room here for everyone's opinions!
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Re: Mary Jo

Unread post by ryanmichaels »

I believe we all have a right to state our opinion, Sexycora was a mess, Not great tattoos and she was very plastic, Hopefully they recycled her correctly (those implants could make another flat chested bimbo with no personality very happy.

A lot of members here seem to have an attraction to trash aka women with very poorly done tattoos and this girl is no exception

Have a nice day :)
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Re: Mary Jo

Unread post by Killeroy »

The website is not here for tattoo fetishists to fight about who's fetish is better.
If you don't think a woman's tattoos are attractive, a simple comment is all that's you need to write.
For some reason lately many threads have turned into bashing and arguing. We all have an attraction to tattooed women and it would be in everyone's interest to just get along.
If you don't like a post, move on.
I don't post in the male tattoo section or the piercing section because I find that stuff unattractive.
Just keep it civil
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Re: Mary Jo

Unread post by fleagle »

Personally I'm happy for people to post what piccie they like and for people to make what comments they like- positive or negative (within reason of course). Each to their own opinion and preferences.

Over the last few months though in my opinion there does seem to have been a shift in the sort of piccie that gets posted on this forum - More so it now seems that the more extreme the (trash?) body mods then the better.

Now as I have said in previous posts each to their own. For me, the extreme stuff on face, head, eyes, even backs of hands, does absolutely nothing and personally I think it serves only to continue to enforce an old prejudicial out of date attitude towards tattooed / modified people. The point is proven by my earlier comment...and yet I love tattooed women.

The sort of piccie I do like is of attractive feminine girls, with some great art on their body (and yes it can be exensive!) - What I dont like is this apparent trend of who can have the crudest thing tattooed across their face or head or have something that looks like it was drawn by a five year old with a blunt quill. But that is just my taste.

I defend their right to do what they want to their bodies, but that doesn't mean I have to like what they do nor do I waive my right to express that opinion. :?
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Re: Mary Jo

Unread post by omphalos »

See fleagle that's exactly what the problem is - you're a bully. There's a bunch of stuff posted on this forum that I don't care for but do you know what I do when I come across it? I simply click the "back" button on my browser and keep looking until I find something I enjoy. In short, I keep my negative comments to myself and I wish you, and others like you, would do the same. However this latest argument highlights why you're so vocal in sharing your negative opinions - your goal is to bully posters, discouraging them from posting things that YOU don't like in order to make room for things that YOU do like. You're selfish and self-centered. When I come across posts that don't tickle my fancy, I say to myself, 'that's not for me, but I hope someone on here likes it'. If everyone had that attitude then the board would be overflowing with posts on a daily basis, some great (according to a given person's opinion) and some not so great, but the no so great posts wouldn't matter because there would be enough great posts to go around for everyone's tastes. If everyone had your attitude, the board would quickly collapse.
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Re: Mary Jo

Unread post by fleagle »

omphalos - thanks for that I needed a good laugh.

noun ( pl. bullies )
a person who uses strength or influence to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.
verb ( bullies, bullying, bullied ) [ with obj. ]
use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force them to do something: a local man was bullied into helping them.

Bully ? where have I threatened anyone ? where have I forced someone to do something against their will?, where have I intimidated someone from expressing their opinion?

HBT1 has made a CHOICE not to post anymore. I have commented about the subject matter posted and made no personal attack on the poster.

When you read my last post you will see I often state "...in my opinion"

A lot of people on here post some fantastically diverse stuff, I admire them for that and thank them for their contribution. That of course includes HBT1.

I fear for a world you paint - a world where you cannot express an opinion unless it's positive. isn't that actually bullying ? Where is freedom of speech?

Please feel free to continue to express your opinion (positive or negative) wrt to my views or posts. Thats what happens in a free world you see. I'm going to stop there though.
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Re: Mary Jo

Unread post by omphalos »

Your reply was so non-sensical fleagle that I can't even generate a response. It gives the board an idea however of the kind of mind we're dealing with here so thank you.
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Re: Mary Jo

Unread post by crbtoo »

Lets see, we have one posting with photographs (Thanks HBT1!) and ten more postings squabbling over them!
Love them or hate them HBT1 posted photos the rest of you post complaints about each other. start a new topic to list your complaints! If you have nothing positive to say or better yet photos to post, just don't post anything, especially your complaints!
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Re: Mary Jo

Unread post by jeanette5759 »

My Husband thinks she is HOT in his words.

He said if I were to leave him, he would pick her in a heart beat.

He is in love with her. So each to his own.

I had some negative comments about my tattoos and they really hurt, sometime make me

cry to myself!

Just my thought though.

Love you all,

Jeanette. :|
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Re: Mary Jo

Unread post by LilLurker »

Thanks for the post jeanette5759 - you should start a new thread with some close up pics!

I don't know why anyone would say bad things about your work?

I'll ask what everyone else wants to ask..... how far down the front do those flowers go? :p

Oh and is that telescope for looking at the stars or the neighbours!
I welcome positive and negative comments on my posts because I think it's nice to have open debate. Feel free to say what you want - open discussion is great and there's enough room here for everyone's opinions!
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Re: Mary Jo

Unread post by tester1ca »

Jeanette,, I would leave my wife in a heartbeat for you.
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