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missive w/pictures - e's permanent hair removal

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 4:00 pm
by jr2bdsm
Dear people, One of the forum members has commented -complimentarily, on e's smooth pussy. her pubic hair was permanently removed using laser hair removal in the fall of 1998. I have posted a missive with some pictures for other members who might like to know a bit about it. The link to the missive with pictures is:" onclick=";return false;

Cordial regards, J{e} of

Re: missive w/pictures - e's permanent hair removal

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 5:37 pm
by SadisticWolf
Thanks for this informative posting with these pictures of e. :D


Re: missive w/pictures - e's permanent hair removal

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 6:16 am
by iamthefryguy
Thank you so much for sharing!


Re: missive w/pictures - e's permanent hair removal

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 7:55 am
by wodan
Hello great pictures of a beautiful slave , she has a very nice smooth pubic area.It is a dream for every man or master to have such a slave.She also has great piercings . I am in love with the tunnels in her lips , the are the hammer. Many Thanks for posting the Lovely E.

Re: missive w/pictures - e's permanent hair removal

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 7:56 am
by wodan
Hello great pictures of a beautiful slave , she has a very nice smooth pubic area.It is a dream for every man or master to have such a slave.She also has great piercings . I am in love with the tunnels in her lips , the are the hammer. Many Thanks for posting the Lovely E.

Re: missive w/pictures - e's permanent hair removal - wodan

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 3:21 pm
by jr2bdsm
Dear wodan,

Thank you for the kindly complimentary note. It is well received and appreciated. Your supportive and encouraging notes are welcomed.

Thank you.

Regards and resepcts, J & e of

Re: missive w/pictures - e's permanent hair removal

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 4:57 pm
by sarob
Dear J,

As ever, you delight us with every posting. We found that regular plucking made a huge difference to the amount and thickness of my wife's pubic hair, but we would both love the idea of complete, permanent removal. Plucking up the courage to approach a regular beautician to do the job is, however, another matter altogether.

Thanks for sharing the information and for another batch of great, smooth pictures.


Re: missive w/pictures - e's permanent hair removal - sarob

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 5:31 pm
by jr2bdsm
Dear Sarob, Nice to hear from you. Plucking can be a very nice, intimate and enjoyable activity -done alone or with a partner. We know a couple who have been plucking regularly for nearly 20 years and it is a strong intimate part of their relationship. It is a kind of preening - a wonderful thing to share with someone. On the laser hair removal issue, we found that the people we went to did not even blink at our request and several had several extents of pubic hair removal on thier printed price lists - including complete removal. We interviewed 5 different facilities/people before selecting the one we ended up using. I also understand the lasers have gotten much better in recent years. Here are a couple of links to information sites on the subject: ... val-laser/" onclick=";return false; and" onclick=";return false; Complete hair removal is known as a Full Brazilian or Sphinx.

Best, J{e} of

Re: missive w/pictures - e's permanent hair removal

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:48 am
by Fred99
As always, many thanks for your post. It must be wonderful to have e so soft in that area.

It would seem to be relatively easy to get this done in the UK nowadays, but the shops that we have approached locally seem reluctant to carry out their well advertised service when asked, and advised against it without even asking about hair colour!

Perhaps this is because they figure that they will make more money, over time, out of us by carrying on doing a Hollywood waxing every 5 weeks? Cost is around £150 a session for laser, and £40 for Hollywood wax. Or possibly they do not want to admit that they do not have enough experience? It's a mystery. Has anyone in UK had more success?

Best wishes