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Dorsal frenum piercing help

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 11:47 pm
by willy_v
I am in the process of choosing my first piercing, however, have come to a hurdle as I simply cannot decide what I want. At this current time I pretty much have my heart set on a dorsal frenum / 2 of them.

My question is, instead of the piercing being horizontal (aka across the penis) is it possible to have it vertical? I have traipsed the internet far and wide and am yet to see one. I was thinking about one either side going vertically down the shaft (both topside). The reason being is a I have a rather large protruding vein down the middle and am worried that a horizontal bar may interfere with that...?
The piercing would be 12/10g and preferably a bar. Would this be prone to migration? Also it would not be on the side or "crown" as some call it. It would be in the middle. I'm pretty sure an O-ring wouldn't be viable however, that doesn't deter me as I think it could potentially look pretty good.

Any reply that helps me get one stop closer is greatly appreciated as I have been putting this off for a while now simply because of a lack of information! Thanks in advance.